Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Best 5 Words

Some of the best 5 words I hear every year around this time are: "pitchers and catchers report today". It means the beginning of another season of baseball. It means the beginning of another season of America's Pastime. It means another season of the Arizona Diamondbacks.

When I hear those five words I can't believe how short the off season has seemed... It might be because the MLB's pre-season is the only sport whose pre-season I care about. Its probably cause I've lived my whole life in Mesa, AZ surrounded by half the major league teams who train here in the Cactus League.

Last month I started working on Saturdays in Scottsdale and each Saturday I've driven past the new Salt River Fields spring training facility. I still have not been and cannot wait to take my maiden voyage into the gates there. AZ Central describes the place as the Disneyland of spring training. 

Last year I kept my expectations of the D-backs low to avoid the high probability of being disappointed by a poor season. This year I would like to do the same, but no matter how hard I try I so badly want a season like last year. I want the team to be relevant and exciting. Maybe I am setting myself up for disappointment, but I don't think so. What's the difference between this season and years past?

Our skipper has changed the environment of the clubhouse and manages the type of team we all love to watch. He is the key ingredient to make the D-backs a viable ball club year after year.  

And that's what I love about baseball and the start of a new season. Everybody starts the same and has the exact same potential. Any team or player that did poorly last year can come out of nowhere and surprise everybody.

Let's just hope I'm not surprised by the D-backs this year.

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